[Rarebooks] FS: Nicely illus. occult/medicine text. Rouen: 1616

Karmbooks at aol.com Karmbooks at aol.com
Fri Jun 2 18:49:28 EDT 2006

(MEDICINE) Gesner, Konrad and Jean Liebault. QUATRE LIVRES DES SECRETS DE 
MEDECINE et de la Philosophie Chymique. Faits Francois par M. Jean Liebault... 
Derniere Edition. Rouen: Pierre Calles. 1616. Sm. 8vo. (8),352,(6)pp. With the 
final blank. Index. Woodcut on the title and 52 woodcuts in the text. Cont. 
vellum, a bit soiled. A lovely copy.     $1,500.00 (trade discount allowed)
The fine woodcuts depict various apparatus for distillation and other 
chemical processes. The text is the French translation of the second part of Gesner’s 
Latin “De Secretis Remediis Liber,” 1569. It covers numerous subjects 
related to medicine & health, and the preparation of compounds. The first French 
edition appeared in 1573 and was often reprinted in Paris, Lyon and Rouen over 
the next 75 years. See Ferguson, BIBLIOTECA CHEMICA Vol. 2, p. 36. Caillet #6679 
(listing 3 editions, including ours). This edition not in the Wellcome 
Catalogue or the NLM.

Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc.
P.O. Box 464
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Tel. (310) 451-4342; Fax. (310) 458-5930
Email: karmbooks at aol.com

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