[Rarebooks] FS: 3 works by Martin Opitz bound together. Frankfurt & Breslau: 1644-38

karmbooks at aol.com karmbooks at aol.com
Fri Jan 22 12:54:50 EST 2010

Opitz, Martin. WELTLICHE POEMATA, Zum Vierte[n]mal Vermehret und Ubersehen 
Harraus Geben. Frankfurt: Thomae Mathiae Goetzen. 1644. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1. 
(32),573,(3);464pp. Copper engraved title page in Vol. I. BOUND WITH: 
Opitz, Martin. FLORILEGIUM VARIORUM EPIGRAMMATUM. Frankfurt: Typis Wolffgangi 
Hoffmanni, Impendio Thomae Matthiae Gotzii. 1644. 46,(2)pp. BOUND WITH: Opitz, 
Martin. GEISTLICHE POEMATA. (Breslau): David Muller. 1638. 408pp. The three 
works bound in cont. vellum, spine hand lettered. Front free endpaper 
lacking, otherwise very nice.     $750.00 (trade discount allowed)
See Faber du Faur #228, #225, and #223. These three works are often found 
bound together, forming an "Opera Poetica" of Opitz. The third work, 
"Geistliche Poemata," a collection of religious poems, is a first edition, the other 
2 are reprints.

Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc.
P.O. Box 464
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Tel. (310) 451-4342; Fax. (310) 458-5930
Email: karmbooks at aol.com

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