[Rarebooks] FS: Fine SIGNED Handwritten Susan B. Anthony Letter

Charles Agvent chagvent at ptd.net
Sun Oct 30 15:11:40 EDT 2011

One of several signed Susan B. Anthony items from our new catalog 
containing 45 items related to WOMEN AND THEIR QUEST FOR EQUAL RIGHTS, 
recently posted on our website.

January 1896. A two-page AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED on both sides of a 
sheet of National American Woman Suffrage Association letterhead (8-1/2" 
x 5-1/2") dated 5 January 1896 along with the original Association 
envelope hand-addressed by Anthony to Dr. Kate J. Jackson. In full: "I 
cannot let this formal appeal go to you - without saying a word of 
memory of 'Father Jackson'-- and reminding you of my hope that now he is 
gone out from among us you & your Doctor Jackson will keep the name 
fresh on our treasurers books from year to year -- It was very seldom 
that he failed to send a contribution at the close or beginning of each 
-- and since he passed his time at North Adams -- Dr. Harriet Austin & 
Mrs. Lee -- as regulars sent their [?] -- all are now gone-- So I appeal 
to you & your good husband-- to help us-- I hope you are both well-- and 
your dear father & mother Johnson -- also -- I often think you all 
over-- but that is about all I can do with the vast army of dear friends 
who have opened their homes to me personally & their hearts to the cause 
generally -- With Sincere regards for all -- S. B. Anthony." Normal 
creases from folding. About Fine.

 From page 335 of Ida Harper's THE LIFE AND WORK OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY: 
"In December [1869] Miss Anthony went to the Dansville Sanitarium for a 
few days and after her return, Dr. Kate Jackson, so widely known and 
loved, wrote her: 'Since your visit here, through which I obtained 
somewhat of an insight into your struggles and labors, I have been in 
special sympathy with you. I do admire the liberal and comprehensive 
spirit which you and Mrs. Stanton show in allowing both sides of a 
question to be fairly discussed in your paper, and in giving any woman 
who does good work for her race in any field the credit for it, even 
though she may not exactly agree with you on all points. The spirit of 
exclusiveness is not calculated to push any reform among the masses.... 
Our house and hearts are always open to you. I want to send you 
something more than good wishes and so enclose a little New Year's gift 
to you, with my love and earnest prayers for your success.'" Elizabeth 
Cady Stanton visited the Sanitarium in 1889 and described her visit in 
chapter 25 of EIGHTY YEARS AND MORE: "As I had a bad cold and a general 
feeling of depression, I decided to go to the Dansville Sanatorium and 
see what Doctors James and Kate Jackson could do for me. I was there six 
weeks and tried all the rubbings, pinchings, steamings; the Swedish 
movements of the arms, hands, legs, feet; dieting, massage, electricity, 
and, though I succeeded in throwing off only five pounds of flesh, yet I 
felt like a new being. It is a charming place to be in--the home is 
pleasantly situated and the scenery very fine. The physicians are all 
genial, and a cheerful atmosphere pervades the whole establishment." 
Stanton went on from Dansville to Washington to celebrate the seventieth 
birthday of Anthony. (#016108)        $3,000.00

See an image of the letter here:


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