[Rarebooks] fa: FIRST MAP OF THE MASON-DIXON LINE in 1769 Gentleman's Magazine

Ardwight Chamberlain ardchamber at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 3 11:01:12 EST 2014

Listed now, auction ending Sunday, March 10. More details and images can be found at the URL below or by searching under the seller name arch_in_la.


Thanks again,
Ardwight Chamberlain

The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle. Volume XXXIX [39]. For the Year MDCCLXIX [1769]. London: Printed at St. John's Gate, for D. Henry, [1769]. Twelve monthly issues (Jan.-Dec.), plus the supplement, volume title, indices and preface. Thick 8vo in early quarter calf and marbled boards; [4] + 642 + [12] pp.; with numerous in-text charts and tables, woodcut diagrams and illustrations, plus 17 copper-engraved plates and maps, five of which are folding.

Features of note include:
	- One of the earliest printings of the first cartographic depiction of THE MASON-DIXON LINE: "A Map of that Part of America where a Degree of Latitude was Measured for the Royal Society, by Cha. Mason & Jere. Dixon,". With an accompanying article (in two parts): "The Length of a Degree of Latitude in the provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania, determined from the Observations of Messrs. Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon."
	- AMERICAN NEWS. Semi-monthly dispatches, reports and letters from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Montreal, etc., relative to the growing discontent in the Colonies: American Petition to the King; American Grievances; Spirited Instructions of Americans to their Representatives; Dissolution of the Assembly of New York; Letter from a Committee of Merchants in Philadelphia; Resolves of the Virginia Assembly (re. taxation); A Remarkable Declaration in favour of America; Speech in Parliament on the Subject of the Revenue Acts affecting America; Plan for settling New Colonies in America (with a woodcut diagram of a town plan); etc. etc.
	- SUNDIALS. Three plates (two folding) of sundials, with accompanying articles: A new method of constructing Sun-Dials, for any given latitude, without the assistance of Dialing Scales or Logarithmic Calculations, by James Ferguson; A Curious Instrument [sundial] which shows the hour of the day and the height of the Sun above the horizon, at the same time throughout the Globe; The most natural and obvious manner of constructing Sun-Dials, deduced from the situation and motion of the earth with respect to the Sun….
	- A large folding map of CRIM TARTARY (with tears).
	- Six views of MOUNT VESUVIUS (folding), with the accompanying article: Currious Account of the late eruption of Vesuvius.
	- PLATES of: the Interior of the House of Peers (folding); A pair of Horns in the Collection of Sir Hans Sloane [and] An Infant with a monstrous exomphalos, or navel rupture; the Patagonian Penguin (offsetting); House at Stratford in which Shakspeare was born; the Amphitheatre erected at Stratford on the occasion of the Jubilee in honour of Shakspeare, held in Sept. 1769; etc.
	- "A Letter to John Ellis, Esq., of Gray's Inn, from DR. [DANIEL] SOLANDER, of the British Museum, now on his voyage round the world in company with Joseph Banks, Esq., and the Astronomers sent to observe the Transit of Venus, by the Royal Society, at the new discovered Islands in the South Seas." Solander (1733–1782), Swedish naturalist and disciple of Carl Linneaus, was accompanying Capt. Cook on his first voyage in the Pacific (1768-71). Solander and Banks inspired the name "Botanist Bay" (i.e. Botany Bay) for Cook's first landing place on the continent of Australia. With other related articles: Directions for observing the ensuing Transit of Venus (with a woodcut diagram); Transit of Venus at Hinckley and Leybourn.
	- A Short Account of the Voyage of the Swallow Sloop round the World [and] An Account of the Discovery of the Ladrone Islands, as related by Father Gohien, a Spanish Missionary.
	- A new Voyage to the West Indies: Speech of an Indian Chief; Fraud practis'd by a French Trader; Providential Deliverance of the Author; Assassination of a French Commandant; etc.
	- Account of Mrs. Lott, lately burnt on Pennenden-Heath, for murdering her husband.
	- Letter from a young Lady who lately eloped, to her Mother.
	- Remarks on the universal use of Tobacco.
	- An effectual method to destroy Caterpillars.
	- and much more…

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