[Rarebooks] FS: Selden on Britain's dominion over its coastal seas. Leyden: 1636

Kenneth Karmiole kkarmiole at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 24 12:32:32 EDT 2015

Selden, John. MARE CLAUSUM seu de Dominio Maris Libri Duo Quorum Augmentum Pagina Versa. Juxta Exemplar Londinense [London] Will. Stanesbeii pro Richardo Meighen. (i.e. Leyden:Printed by B. and A. Elzevier): 1636. 12mo, (24),567,(1)pp. Title printed in red & black. A few text woodcuts (one full-page). With the 2 folding copper engraved maps. Orig. vellum, somewhat soiled.             $750.00 (trade discount allowed)
This is sometimes called "second Elzevir edition", but is probably the first printing.  Both were printed in 1636. The other edition with the added "Apologia" of Boxhorn is called "another edition" and listed second by the English STC (22176). Our edition is STC 22175.3.  Willems #449 (only listing our edition with pagination (24),567,(1)pp.

Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc.
1239A Third Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401
kkarmiole at yahoo.com

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