[Rarebooks] Employment opportunity coming up soon in Sacramento

info@bluejacketbooks.com bluejacketbooks at zoomtown.com
Sun May 17 06:38:20 EDT 2020

Good morning, all, and I hope this finds you bracing up like the character Otsu in Inagaki's Samurai trilogy: patient, hoping, but knowing that this, too, shall pass--probably--but sheesh, when is this madness gonna end? 

My name is Lawrence Hammar, and I am soon to emerge from the sodden ashes of Blue Jacket Books as Structure, Verses, Agency Books: fine works about art, culture & history, that is, starting afresh with brand-new inventory. 
I'd like to put out feelers to those of you who may be in or within striking distance of Sacramento. I'd like to think about hiring someone for a period of four to six to eight weeks part-time to full-time to help me with regards to a large collection of books and paper and fine art pieces that I hope shortly to obtain. 
You may reply privately to me by e-mail to info at bluejacketbooks.com or send a text message to or call me at 937-502-5062. Thank you. 
Prerequisites will include: possession of superb writing skills; willingness to contact others by phone and e-mail; facility at handling data and databases; book-describing/-listing experience, including from a library science perspective; a strong lower back; book-pricing experience on abebooks and viaLibri; and highly developed, nay, obsessively well developed attention to detail and organization. If you have a background in art history, the fine arts as a practitioner, etc., all the better. 

Your work will likely commence with a search for 5,507 items from among 25,000, located in two buildings almost adjacent. 
I am open to multiple forms of payment, whether hourly or contractual, whether also including or not including steep discounts against said books. I am persnickety but generous, flexible but a bit demanding; I overthink things but am a good person. Non-smoking, please. You will work largely but not completely all by yourself once I line out what needs doing. The work will be in pleasant surroundings and safe insofar as we'll be masked and/or physically separated between two different buildings. I'm thinking four- to five-hour shifts with a break, unless you're up for full shifts, say, two days on and a day off or some such maneuvers. I'm thinking that whomever gets there first gets to pilot the iPod. I'll be super-flexible about timing and logistics. I will of course make accommodations for different abilities. Children are fine with me so long as they are safe and well tended to. I am also potentially open to hiring a dyad that communicates well with each other and with me. 
Beginning soon. 

If you're interested, please identify yourself and then I'll ask for more informaiton, a C.V., and a couple of references. 
Again, I thank you and wish everyone well. 
Lawrence J. Hammar 

Lawrence J. Hammar 

"Truth is a pathless land" (J. Krishnamurti) 

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