[Rarebooks] French law [II]

Joe Luttrell rarelaw at meyerbos.com
Tue May 18 23:03:48 EDT 2004

A selection of works which we have in stock on the French law and
related subjects; for others, please feel free to browse our web
site, where you may search our entire inventory by any word or
phrase: www.meyerbos.com

1.  DOUBLET, Jacques and Hubert de Villedary.  Law and Population
Growth in France.  Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford,
1973.  Stapled wraps, a sound copy; 87 pages. [30943]     $ 35.00

2.  DUMONT, Etienne.  Recollections of Mirabeau, and of the Two
First Legislative Assemblies of France.  Carey & Lea--Chestnut
Street, Philadelphia, 1833.  Original boards, quite worn, hinges
strengthened; a working copy. [65597 L63]                $ 125.00

First American edition of one of the best contemporary sources of
the French Revolution and the 'great Mirabeau', whose "life forms
the best history of the first two years of the Constitutuent
Assembly", written by his close friend, Etienne Dumont.

3.  EMERIGON, Balthazard Marie.  A Treatise on Insurances.
Translated from the French; with an Introduction and Notes by
Samuel Meredith, Esq.  Henry Butterworth, 7, Fleet Street [etc.],
London, 1850.  Original (American) sheep, rubbed but quite
well-preserved, with an eight-page Little Brown advertising
prospectus inserted before the title. [71091]            $ 450.00

Only edition in English of a work uniformly praised, termed by Lord
Tenterden (in his own treatise on maritime law) "peculiarly
valuable", Emerigon one of the few 18th century European
writers--Holdsworth also notes Pothier--translated into English.

4.  ERAY, Salim.  La Nature Juridique des Fiancailles.
Imprimerie La Concorde, Lausanne, 1945.  Printed sewn wraps, worn
and marked, but sound; 103 pages. [55154 L26] $ 45.00

5.  [FRENCH LAW BOOKS].  Bibliographie Pratique d'Ouvrages de
Droit, Jurisprudence Economie Politique Sociologie [etc.].
Librairie du Recueil Sirey 22, Rue Soufflot, Paris, 5e, Paris,
1932.  Printed sewn wraps, quite embrowned and fragile; 48 pages.
[17403 L39L66]                                            $ 20.00

The annual catalogue, arranged by subject and extensive,
exclusively new books; with an index by author and another by

6.  GAUBERT, Raoul.  La Capacite Penale des Psychopathes.
Editions Medicales 7, Rue de Valois, 7, Paris, 1924.  Original
printed wraps, quite worn and browned, the spine perishing; a
fragile item, largely uncut, 111 pages. [71098] PHOTO:
http://www.meyerbos.com/bookListing.cgi?bookNo=71098     $ 150.00

Dr. Gaubert's rare first work, his doctoral thesis submitted to the
Faculty of Law at the University of Paris, with chapters devoted to
alcoholism, epilepsy, hysteria, intoxicants, and drugs; three
copies in OCLC, one in this country.

8.  GUILBON, N.A.  Traite Pratique de la Competence Civile des
Juges de Paix en Matiere Contentieuse.  Chez A. Durand,
Libraire-Editeur, rue des Gres, 7 [etc.], Paris, 1864.  1/4 black
morocco, worn but still attractive. [11375 L12L32L49]    $ 125.00

9.  HOLT, Guy (ed.).  Jurgen and the Law, A Statement With
Exhibits, Including the Court's Opinion, and the Brief for the
Defendants on Motion to Direct an Acquittal.  Robert M. McBride and
Company, New York, 1923.  [54762 L24EL36EL53EL66E]       $ 125.00

Limited edition of 1,080 of which this is number 214.

10.  LACOUR, Leon.  Precis de Droit Commercial.  Paris, 1921.
[12851]                                                   $ 50.00

2 volumes; original green, printed wraps, somewhat worn, but
generally well preserved.

 Meyer Boswell Books, Inc.
 Rare and Scholarly Law Exclusively
 2141 Mission Street
 San Francisco CA 94110
 415 255 6400
 415 255 6499 FAX
 rarelaw at meyerbos.com

 Member, Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America
 and the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers

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