[Rarebooks] FS: Important edition of Archimedes edited by Rivault. Paris: 1615. Beautiful copy.

karmbooks at aol.com karmbooks at aol.com
Tue Mar 5 12:35:02 EST 2013

(MATHEMATICS) Archimedes. ...ARCHIMEDIS OPERA QUAE EXTANT [Title in Greek & Latin]. Novis Demonstrationibus Commentariisque Illustrata. Per Davidem Rivaltum a Flurantia... Operum Catalogus Sequenti Pagina Habetur. Paris: Apud Claudium Morellum. 1615. First edition thus. Folio. (46),550pp. Double column text in Greek and Latin. Title printed in red & black with a large woodcut fountain device. Illustrated throughout with woodcut diagrams. Cont. mottled calf, finely rebacked, original ornately gilt spine strip laid back down. Old faded water stain at top corner of final leaves. Small round rubber stamp on verso of title.  A very attractive copy.   $6,500.00 (trade discount allowed)
The first edition edited by David Rivault (1571-1616), of this highly influential "Works of Archimedes." Riccardi I column 43.

Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc.
P.O. Box 464
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Tel. (310) 451-4342; Fax. (310) 458-5930
Email: karmbooks at aol.com


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