[Rarebooks] FS: Varchi's lectures on love and jealousy. Florence: 1561

Kenneth Karmiole kkarmiole at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 24 11:24:28 EST 2018

Varchi, Benedetto. LA SECONDA PARTE DELLE LEZZIONI... Nella Quale si Contengono Cinque Lezzioni d'Amore... Nuovamente Stampate. Florence: Appesso I Giunti. 1561. 8vo. ff.(6),114,(2). With the final blank. Orig. limp vellum, spine hand lettered.    $650.00 (trade discount allowed)
This is the second part of Varchi's lectures. Giunta had printed the first part, lectures "on nature" in 1560; the second part deals with lectures on love and jealousy. Adams V250, he gives a separate number for each part, i.e., V249 and V250.

Kenneth Karmiole, Bookseller, Inc.
1239A Third Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401
kkarmiole at yahoo.com

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